Comprehensive Brain Injury Assessment

Neurological and Neurosurgical Clinical Evaluation available in Eight States:
California, Texas, New York, Ohio, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Idaho, and Virginia.

At Texas Brain Institute, we are leaders in the diagnosis of and treatment of brain injury. Our Comprehensive Brain Injury Assessment details neurological, behavioral, and emotional changes and symptoms experienced post injury. It may also include additional neuropsychological testing such as ImPACT (cognitive), Apraxia (speech), and AMNART (reading).

The report will also include an in-depth physical and neurological examination of the patient, review of systems, an overview of the medical records and radiology reports, and detailed cause of injury.

The evaluation is concluded with a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan that includes recommendations for additional diagnostic tests, therapeutics including medications, and follow-up visits.

We are proud of our evidence-based practice protocols put in place to meet the highest standard of patient care. If a TBI diagnosis is then made, we offer personalized treatment options which can include MR-guided injections, or neuronavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatments.