Neuropsychological assessment is a performance-based method to assess cognitive functioning. This method can be used to assess cognitive performance after brain damage, brain disease, and severe mental illness.
Typically, neuropsychological assessment is performed with a battery approach, which involves tests of a variety of cognitive ability areas including memory, attention, processing speed, reasoning, judgment, and problem-solving, spatial, and language functions.
One of the most popular batteries is the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery or NAB (Stern & White, 2003) which consists of five domain-specific modules: Attention, Language, Memory, Spatial, and Executive Functions. A sixth module, Screening, allows the clinician to determine which of the other five domain-specific modules are appropriate to administer to an individual patient.
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale 4th Edition (WAIS-IV) measures of learning, memory and processing speed are the neuropsychological domains that are most sensitive to acquired brain impairment in general. The Wechsler scales have played an important role in this Neuropsychological assessment and cognitive neuroscience. The WAIS-IV is intended to measure intellectual functioning, incorporating verbal, analogical, sequential, and quantitative reasoning, as well as working memory and psychomotor processing speed. The assessment battery can be standardized or targeted to the individual participant in the assessment.
We at Texas Brain Institute are happy to provide referrals from a team of Board-Certified Neuropsychologists for neuropsychological exams.
Contact Texas Brain Institute to learn more about neuropsychological exams please call 1-888-900-1TBI or email