We also analyze multiple DTI metrics including fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusity (MD), apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), and compare it against age and sex matched normals to quantitatively identify brain abnormalities that occurred after the traumatic injury.
We also include a brain volumetrics study which is a 3D-post processing measure which analyzes key brain structure volumes including the hippocampus, ventricles, and other brain structures. These volumes are compared to standardized norms based on age, sex, and cranial volume and includes multiple visual and quantitative reports.
Our DTI analysis is supplemented with analyses of other MR sequences that can help elucidate previous brain injury, if any, or other brain abnormalities.
What are these different MRI sequences?
A brain DTI requires post-processing with specialized software that can take hours to fully process the images. Interpretation by a radiologist can also take several hours as it is not a routine brain MRI.
Personal Injury Cases are varied and encompass a wide range of situations. Some common Personal Injury cases include car accidents, slip and fall accidents, product liability, etc.
Simply put- yes, DTI can be used to diagnose TBI in Personal Injury Cases. DTI is an FDA approved protocol. With more than 20,000 peer-reviewed publications, courts throughout the United States are admitting DTI into evidence and allowing expert testimony based on it. DTI has been ruled admissible under Daubert and similar standards in numerous State and Federal Courts.
Our Comprehensive DTI Medical Expert Report includes details on the patient’s brain injury, showing multiple brain images depicting injury (tractography) with clinical interpretation of the DTI scans, correlation of the symptoms with the images and provides a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury when clinically indicated. In addition, we provide a narrated video showing injury locations, causation and biomechanics of injury.
Our Treating Physicians are experienced in depositions and trial testimony and can also provide Medical Expert opinions.
Step 1 – Our medical staff will collect registration paperwork and capture the details of on-going symptoms post-trauma.
Step 2- Our neurological exam conducted by a board certified neurosurgeon includes evaluation of thinking, motor function (movement), sensory function, coordination, eye movement, and reflexes.
The evaluation is concluded with a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan that includes recommendations for additional diagnostic tests including DTI, treatments and medications, and follow-up visits.
Depending on the physician’s order, the report can also include an in-depth physical and neurological examination of the patient, review of systems, an overview of the medical records and radiology reports, and detailed cause of injury.
Step 3- If recommended, a patient will undergo a DTI Exam to support the TBI clinical findings during the evaluation. (Note: if the patient has an outside treating physician who has already performed the neurological exam, the patient can be referred just for a DTI Exam and skip Steps 1-2).
Step 4- Upon completion of the neurological evaluation and DTI Exam is completed, the patient will have a follow-up with the neurosurgeon to discuss the DTI findings and personalized Treatment Plan aimed to help ameliorate post-trauma symptoms.
Additional Diagnostic Recommendations
In addition to the DTI Exam, the neurosurgeon may also recommend additional diagnostic testing depending on the patient’s unique clinical presentation.
With TBI, neuropsychological testing can also assess cognitive functioning after a traumatic injury. Typically, this testing includes a battery of testing to evaluate a variety of cognitive ability areas including memory, attention, processing speed, reasoning, judgment, and problem-solving, spatial, and language functions.
Popular tests include the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery with five domain-specific modules: Attention, Language, Memory, Spatial, and Executive Functions. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale 4th Edition (WAIS-IV) measures of learning, memory and processing speed are the neuropsychological domains that are most sensitive to acquired brain impairment in general.
Additional neuropsychological testing helpful for TBI can also include ImPACT (measures cognitive function), Apraxia (measures speech function), and AMNART (measures reading comprehension).
Our physician can also refer patients to Board-Certified Neuropsychologists for neuropsychological exams.
Videonystagmography (VNG) testing is a useful diagnostic to identify vestibular dysfunction – or problems with balance, dizziness, or vertigo. VNG is a technology that does a vestibular assessment which tests the inner ear and central motor functions in the brain by linking it up with certain eye movements. VNG testing uses binocular goggles with infrared cameras that traces bilateral eye movements during visual stimulation (series of lights and moving dots) and changes in position (sitting/laying down). VNG can help determine whether the dizziness experienced is caused by a problem with the inner ear or some other cause.
Volumetrics is used in conjunction with a brain MRI and provides a statistical analysis of the volume of key areas of the brain and compares these volumes to standard norms based on age, sex, and cranial volume. Volumetrics can then generate multiple visual and quantitative reports and provide information about hippocampal asymmetry, general morphology, total intracranial volume, and age-related atrophy. This information helps assess traumatic brain injury and other various neurological conditions and neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. Our DTI Report will include Volumetrics analysis.
Evoked potentials or evoked-related potential (ERP) measures the electrical activity in certain areas of the brain and spinal cord as a result from specific sensory, cognitive, or motor events. Simply put, it is a non-invasive method to evaluate brain functioning. Evoked potentials test measures in milliseconds the processing speed of the brain in response to sensory or visual stimuli and is useful in TBI to detect changes in processing speed that may be related to cognitive decline.