Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (nTMS)
Treatment Available in Houston, Dallas and Santa Monica (CA)
Our SmartFocus® nTMS technology offers targeted and effective therapies and diagnostics for challenging brain diseases and disorders
At Texas Brain Institute, we offer the world’s only commercially available TMS system with E-field navigation which uses decades of scientific research to help diagnose and treat the brain noninvasively. With neuronavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS), a magnetic field is briefly generated in a handheld coil passes harmlessly and noninvasively down into the brain and creates a small electric field in the outer layer (cortex) of the brain.
Our nTMS technology can be used as both a cutting-edge tool for diagnostics as well as for targeted and effective therapy. For diagnostics, nTMS technology provides physicians with unique tools to accurately map essential brain functions, like movement or language, directly onto an MRI-based 3D model of the patient’s brain. This model can help patients and physicians plan and guide the best possible treatment decisions.
nTMS treatment is solidly grounded in scientific and clinical research and harnesses the brain’s own healing power- neuroplasticity. Our SmartFocus® TMS technology uses the science of electricity to help the brain heal itself and every treatment is personalized to the patient’s own brain anatomy and alertness level. As a non-drug approach, nTMS only influences brain activity and does not alter body chemistry in other parts of the body. At Texas Brain Institute, we believe it is essential that nTMS accurately stimulates the targeted location in the brain – otherwise, patients may not get the benefit they truly need. Every nTMS treatment offers a measured an individualized dose of TMS, an unrivaled level of accuracy as demanded by brain surgeons, treatment sessions personalized for the patient’s own brain, assurance the patient received their prescribed dose, and unsurpassed safety and comfort.
Texas Brain Institute is in conjunction with LifeSciences Imaging Partners to perform various diagnostic testing such as EEG, VNG (Videonystagmography) exams, and neuronavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS) to help diagnose and treat the brain noninvasively. LifeSciences Imaging Partners has several locations across Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth. LifeSciences Imaging Partners accepts Medicare and is in-network with all major healthcare providers. Texas Brain Institute will accept Letter of Protection (liens) if you are represented by a counsel or self-paid, and we will work with your insurance if your type of evaluation or treatment does have insurance coverage.
In order for Texas Brain Institute to proceed with scheduling a TMS treatment, please call
1-888-900-1TBI or email